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What does New Oriental Education & Technology Group Inc (9901) do?

New Oriental Education & Technology Group also operates software development. Stock analysis for New Oriental Education & Technology Group Inc (9901:Hong Kong) including stock price, stock chart, company news, key statistics, fundamentals and company profile.

What is the 990 series?

IRS information returns are known as the " 990 series " because there are several forms that use the number 990, including Form 990, Form 990-EZ, and for the smallest nonprofits, Form 990-N. FAQS on annual information returns to the IRS. Since 2010 tax-exempt organizations have also been required to annually report their unrelated business income.

What does 9904.411-61 mean?

9904.411-61 Interpretation. [Reserved] Exemption. Effective date. Cost accounting standard for composition and measurement of pension cost. Purpose. Definitions.

What is the ASR 9901?

The ASR 9901 sets a new standard for Layer 2 and Layer 3 10GE/1GE service density and scale to System mode on the ASR 9000 Series Router.

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